
Scalable & Affordable Telemedicine Solution

Get started with MedCare - Telemedicine and TeleHealth platform. Built on top of Zoom Video SDK technologies, MedCare platform offers a scalable and reliable telemedicine solution while helping you save more.

How MedCare Telemedicine Platform accelerate your work process

Fast, simple, affordable solution with API integration. No app download required.

Patients register and log in

Patients register and log in through channels of their convenience. Integration with LINE, WhatsApp, or your website.

Find your doctor and make a reservation

They see the doctor's availability with options for prior booking or instant meeting and accept payment right away.

Consult online

Doctors consult through Zoom voice and video call via Zoom app or web browser. No application download required for patients

Patients register and log in

Patients register and log in through channels of their convenience. Integration with LINE, WhatsApp, or your website.

Find your doctor and make a reservation

They see the doctor's availability with options for prior booking or instant meeting and accept payment right away.

Consult online

Doctors consult through Zoom voice and video call via Zoom app or web browser. No application download required for patients

Zoom Powered TeleHealth Platform Customizable for Your Brand

Custom branding

Personalize your telemedicine application according to your needs. You can integrate your logos and corporate branding into every step of patients’ journey.

API available for HIS integration

MedCare is customizable to your preferred payment gateway, and patient records on your hospital information system (HIS). Making it easier to streamline doctors and nurses’ workflow.

Enterprise grade reliability with Zoom Video Platform

Voice and video calls on MedCare telehealth solution is built on top of Zoom Video Communication technology stack. Providing enterprise grade world class reliability and security. Zoom's encryption technology minimizes bandwidth required, while ensuring high quality of voice and video.

How is MedCare different?

Affordable & time-saving

Add telemedicine capabilities to your organization with MedCare save times and money with ready-to-go components.

Scalable solution

Seamless experience with Zoom infrastructure that can scale and adjust to optimal for your workload. Best fit for both private clinics and hospitals.

Unparalleled flexibility

Need extra privacy? Worried about being judged from your illness? Wish to remain anonymous? We make sure every consultation with our experts is always private and personalized. No shaming, no judgment, our only purpose is for your well-being.

Get started right way

Don’t have to waste time building everything from the ground-up. Let’s discuss your patient and physician journey and get your telemedicine features up and running within days.

Transforming Thailand healthcare: the Arincare journey with MedCare Telehealth and Zoom Video SDK

Powered by Zoom Video SDK Technology
Explore now


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